Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fun Food Stuff

I have seen some really cool bread products - for instance, Jude's bread bowls for soup. Recently I went to a friend's house for a BBQ and saw the most interesting bread product ever. Check it out:

Isn't that cool? It's a bread (made in a bread machine) that has been hollowed out. The hollowed out bread has been used to make different sandwiches and then neatly placed back into the original bread. Easy to carry along for a picnic and held at least 30 sandwiches. I thought it was quite cool.

Next up, when we were traveling in Singapore, I came across an Auntie Anne's Pretzels. They are my favorite pretzels - especially the Jalapeno ones. I went right up to the counter excited to have a jalapeno pretzel after a really long time. And I was faced with this menu:

Now, that's what I call adapting to the area. Seaweed Pretzels? Really? How about Green Tea?! And, no, they didn't have Jalapeno.

Back in India, we came across a vendor selling freshly squeezed sugarcane juice.

These vendors have been around for a long, long time. But this was the first time I was actually looking at it closely. And can you believe the entire thing - including the wheels are made of wood?

Every single part of that machine! Quite amazing. And so, here is my entry for Click: Wood, because it is so unique to India, and a great show of craftsmanship.


bee said...

love that. the whole sugarcane juice process, including where the out a piece of lime in at the end (sometimes ginger) is so amazing and fascinating.

Ranjani said...

What a neat post! You've covered a LOT of really fascinating and cool stuff...but seaweed pretzels?!! dangg talk about catering to local markets:)

Bharti said...

Really fun Arundathi.
I'm listening to delhi 6 right now and have been nostalgic for India ever since I saw it a couple of weeks ago. I used to go to Bombay every year and spend my summer vacations there. Now in the last 11 years, Ive only been back once. The ganna juice cart pics are lovely...the taste with the ginger and those limes! Yum.
The breadbowl is also very cool and fancy-smchancy. Seaweed pretzels! Neat stuff..thanks for sharing.

Sunshinemom said...

Really interesting, and a lovely post:)

Priya Suresh said...

Fascinating post...

Jacqueline Meldrum said...

Great pictures Arundathi. You alway manage to bring something a little different :)

TNL said...

Those pictures are wonderful.....I especially love the idea of the bread basket....what a cool idea for the summer!

the spice who loved me

Bindiya said...

that's sooo cool!, with the heat up this is the ideal drink to go in for!

Deepthi Shankar said...

wow that bread basket thing is soo totally cool

A_and_N said...

The bread thingy is SO cool!

And so is the sugarcane vandi :P I've never noticed it before. Are all the sugarcane vandis like that?

P.S- I could not think of a word for vandi right now in English.

Anonymous said...

I saw seaweed potato chips in Bangkok and thought that was the ultimate in food innovation, but your pretzels beat it.

The bread basket sandwiches look way too cool.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Esplanade:-) Lovely idea & click.. That bread bos is fantastic!

Raaga said...

very very cool :)

Arundathi said...

Bee - Yes its really cool to watch them make it!

Ranjani - Yeah, i'm sure they taste great and all that, but... not for me!

Bharti - Thanks! Yeah, perfect for a summer day!

Sunshinemom - Thanks

Priya - Thank you

Holler - Thanks so much, dear Holler. That's a lovely compliment.

Trupti - Isn't it? I loved it!

Bindiya - Yes, it really is. its become uncomfortably hot now.

Deesha - I know - amazing - i don't know how people think of such cool things!

A & N - Vandi - vehicle? :-) I loved the bread too!

Simran - potato chips? probably easier to eat than pretzels!

Soma - Thanks!

Raaga - thank you, dear!

FH said...

Really beautiful pics. Always loved the Sugarcane juice. Bread bowl looks delicious! :)

Anonymous said...

International licensees with Auntie Anne's start their business with our core line-up of products, including Original and Cinnamon Sugar pretzels. As their business grows, the licensee can then work with our Food Science & Technology Department to develop pretzel flavors that suit local taste profiles. I am glad that you enjoyed your experience at Auntie Anne's in Singapore - - despite the fact that you could not obtain a Jalapeno Pretzel.

Have a Pretzel Perfect Day -

Shannon Zimmerman
Senior Public Relations Specialist
Auntie Anne's, Inc.
Lancaster, PA

Arundathi said...

Asha - Thanks so much!

Shannon Zimmerman - Good to hear from you. That's pretty cool that you work with the licensees to adapt the product to the local market. Just wish you would start a licensee in India! :)

Kiezie said...

Fun post, I love the sugar can process. We used to eat/chew on sugar cane when we lived in Brazil, one of my fondest memories!

Jamie said...

Arundathi, that picture of the machine is so neat! Great idea for the Wood Click event. And just the mention of Auntie Anne's has made me hungry! I have to avoid them at the mall at all costs! Great post :)

Manju said...

Thats a great entry for CLICK...i have had sugarcane juice a zillion times from these carts and never noticed this!!

Arundathi said... - Oh I can just picture it - chewing on sugarcane in the sun! Lovely!

Jamie - Thanks so much. Oh there you go avoiding the pretzels and i'm dying for one!

Superchef - :-) yup, me too - this was the first time I noticed the details.

Anonymous said...

The hollowed bread looks like such a neat idea. Perfect picnic food.
And I totally agree with you on the jalapeno pretzels.

Arundathi said...

Jude - Yup, perfect picnic food. and the sandwiches were great too. thanks for dropping by.

Rajee said...

Love that sugarcane process. So cool stuff for summer.

Arundathi said...

Rajee - Yup - its great for the summer!

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