Her recipe uses coconut milk, parboiled rice, veggies and black-eyed peas. One evening, everyone was really tired and I wanted a one-dish meal and I thought of this one. I didn't have black-eyed peas and wasn't planning to go out and get some, so I checked the Cook's Thesaurus and it said I could substitute Pigeon Peas (Toor Dal). And I used brown rice instead of parboiled (again, just lazy).
It was ... um... let's just say I decided to follow her recipe next time.
So I made it again the next day. This time, I got the black-eyed peas and I used rosematta rice. And it came out perfectly! Thanks, Cynthia, we are going to make this very often. And the black-eyed peas are a MUST - do not substitute it!!
Cook-up Rice
First brown some onions in a pan and add the black-eyed peas (the peas need to be soaked beforehand). Now add some water and cover and let it cook until the peas are almost done.
Add the veggies and a chopped tomato (I used peas and carrots, but you can use any combination you'd like). Saute for a minute or two.
Then add the rice and continue to stir for a few minutes. She suggests adding thyme, but I didn't have thyme and so I added a seasoning blend that contained thyme!
Definitely a keeper. Thanks for the recipe, Cynthia - this has truly been tried and tasted!
Let's see what the other Recipe Marathoners are up to:
Swati had a leg disaster. Valli got away with mango noodles. DK went to Morocco. Siri made rice. Lakshmi made kootu. Ranji made some authentic Kerala food. Bhags got hummused. Divya got some spicy green action going. No desserts today, sorry.
umm looks interesting... like d way u tried having a close look of each ingredient in d click...
looks yummy!
Nice try Anu!..Yup! some recipes ask for those 'perfect' ingredients.. for the real taste to come out! Thanks for sharing ur experiments with us!..I will be back home today..and have cart load of events to catch up with incl T&T!.:D
Interesting recipe. Oh u had patience to cook those black eyes peas and rosematta in pan. I think I will take the pressure cooker way.
with all that coconut milk - gotta taste good. will make for lunch tomorrow.
nice recipe and love those pics....the recipe seems to be very interesting with coconut milk....
P.S. That story was hilarious.....and i think everyone shud try it on their husbands:)
Wow you tried all over again....that is the spirit... :)
Traits of a perfectionist:) Keep going, girl!
lovely step by step instructions anu!!!delcious..
i loved the last clcik on the spoon....never seen sucha a long eliptical shape spoon..very cute:)
This looks lovely and the step by step instructions is gr8!!
great instructions....lovely recipes...i do agree thers lot to try at cynthya's
@ Swati - Thanks!
@ Valli - Thanks!
@ Siri - We're looking fwd to having you back!
@ Jayasree - It was easier in the pan let me tell you. The pressure cooker makes it too soft. In the pan you can control the cooking.
@ Laks - let me know if you do
@ Bhags - Thanks! Yes, wasn't the story too funny? I still laugh thinking about it!
@ Rachel - :) lol, what can i say - the photos were horrid! ;)
@ Sunshine - LOL! Thanks!
@ Ranji - thanks - love my spoon too - its a gravy spoon that came with a set of serving spoons that I bought.
@ Hetal - thanks!
@ Sangeeth - yeah, i couldn't decide on just one.
Another protein rice, love the idea of making with rice
Do not have many recipes with black eyed beans, this one looks like a keeper. Can I not use the c. milk ?
Adding black eyed beans sounds interesting..Healthy one..
yummy rice! lovely pics.
nice recipe with beautiful pics
Cham - yes definitely lots of protein from the black-eyed peas.
Sandeepa - yes, definitely. i've tried it several times after with just water and it tastes fine - obviously a lot richer with the coconut milk.
Divya - yeah - cynthia has some great recipes.
uma - thanks
Sagari - thanks!
Hi Arundathi,
thanks for letting me know about the reader-hope it's all sorted now
i'll have to have a proper read of your post another time as i'm still a bit sleepy
This looks so good! And beutiful pics.
Hi A,
Lovely entry. I am so glad you made that already twice, isnt it lovely to discover some great recipes just next door? Thank you so much for participating.
Pixie - yes, the reader's all sorted out now!
Homecooked - thanks!
Zlamushka - yes, i'm so glad i "discovered" cynthia's blog - its just fabulous!
Looks awesome. Shall be dinner on Sat. Will post again.
I love what you have done with the dish and your rice is perfectly cooked! So yummy!
Thank you for participating!
Thanks, Kanwar. Let me know how it turned out
Cynthia - It's all your recipe, Cynthia - it totally rocks. We have this very often now. Thank You!
Arundathi- lovely recipe and thanks to cynthia. This would be a perfect recipe for the event I am hosting - ONE DISH MEAL EVENT - I would love for you to participate. The details are at the link below
Interesting post you got here. It would be great to read more concerning that theme. Thanks for giving that material.
very useful read. I would love to follow you on twitter.
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